How to Draw a Tribal Butterfly

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To start this tattoo design on a tribal butterfly you will draw a vertical line and then draw the arched shapes of the butterfly's wings. Make sure you add the lips on the wings as well.


Draw out the rest of the butterfly's wings and then the shape of the abdomen that looks like a cone. Draw the roundness of the head and then draw tribal razor lined shapes for the butterfly antennas.


You will start drawing in the tribal lines on the top of the wings and then move to the next step.


Start the tribal designing process on the lower parts of the butterfly's wings and then add the slit lines on the abdomen of the tribal butterfly. Draw some simple circles around the wings and then move to the next step.


This is your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw the rest of the tribal design lines on the lower half of the butterfly's wings and then start erasing all the guidelines and shapes you drew in step one.


When you are done learning "how to draw a tribal butterfly" it should come out looking like this. Color it in with different colored shades, or leave it the way it is, all black.

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July 23, 2009

Description: Tribal insect art is another popular tattoo design liked by many and drawn by anyone that loves tribal designs. I am going to show you “how to draw a tribal butterfly” step by step. This is a very simple to learn tutorial that I am sure you will love. The butterfly is probably one of the most beautiful insects in existence. I love the way they have multiple designs on their wings and how they come in all different sizes and shapes. I personally find the Monarch butterfly to be the prettiest of all, and I already did a tutorial on that particular insect. There is so many ways to incorporate butterflies with art and I know many of you have experimented before with these insects. Well I will leave you to this lesson on “how to draw a tribal butterfly” step by step. Stay tuned for more easy to draw tutorials coming your way. Adios people and have fun with this submission. Remember to be as creative as you ant to be when it comes to drawing designs of all kinds, a creative mind is a terrible thing to waist. I know all of you that love to draw are great at what you do.

#draw butterflies #how to draw a butterfly #how to draw tribal art #draw tribal art #how to draw tribal #how to draw tribal designs #how to draw tribal animals

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