How to Draw a Torn Heart, Bloody Heart

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Make the shape of a but or acorn like so then add one guideline down the center.


You will begin sketching out the tissue of the heart one side at a time. The outside should have some layers, and the inside or middle lining of the heart should be drawn looking torn.


Here you will draw out the valves, veins, and arteries. Take your time so everything comes out looking realistic.


Sketch out the other side of the heart muscle, then sketch in the rest of the center. Make sure the center looks worn, ripped, stretched, or basically beat up.


Here is where the fun really starts because you will be sketching in all the muscle detailing by adding the texture of the tissue. Add some blood, veins, and more tubes to finish off this torn heart. Erase the mistakes then you're done.


This is my finished drawing of a torn heart. Yours may look a little different, or it may look the same, either way they all look great. Color in your drawing for total completion.

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November 13, 2012

Description: Here is a really awesome drawing on a newer version for a torn heart lesson. Today I will add another heartbroken addition to the how to draw hearts tutorials and show you all "how to draw a torn heart", step by step. Instead of a typical child drawn heart, I went for the real deal. Our hearts are as real and for real pain I thought drawing what a heart really seems it feels like when it breaks would be really cool. I think I have conveyed my message on how the hearts from our chests look if they where torn. I hope you all enjoy this tut, I had a lot of fun with you all today and I hope you see you all join me again tomorrow. Adios people, and enjoy.

#how to draw hearts

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