How to Draw a Teddy

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So, you want to create a really basic looking teddy bear, eh? Well first off, start off with the very essential guidelines you see here. Without guides, you won't be able to get to the core shape of the bear. I suggest to use a compass for the perfec   


Next, we must draw the shape of the teddy's head. See how the sides of the face 'bump' outwards? This creates a very cute atmosphere for your teddy bear. By having a very chubby - fluffy face, you'll have the most cutest creature ever! To complete th   


Next, move onto drawing the cute circular ears. Remember, you must have a harmonic shape theme for your teddy, otherwise, you'll end up with a distorted - chaotic drawing! Cuddly teddies have a very circular appearance, therefore, it creates an illu   


Lastly, here's an important part of drawing a teddy bear. When you've completed the arms and legs, you'll want to give it a sense of a '3-D' appearance. Adding blocks beneath the ends of the limbs, will add eye-pleasing 3-D looks! See how cool that i   


Ah, here you go, a completed drawing of a teddy bear! See how cute it looks? You can maybe add a bow, some candy, or more buttons to spruce up your own design. It can be fun creating your own teddy, so feel free to use this as a base! Thanks so much    

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October 7, 2010

Description: This is just a real simple lesson that will show you how to draw a teddy, step by step. There is so many ways to draw a teddy bear, and because of that I just wanted to keep this design real simple. It’s a basic drawing of a stuffed bear, which is brown in color, with stitched limbs and big eyes. I wanted to draw a face that is sort of friendly while being adorable as well. The heart background was just a quick idea to use because I know that Valentine’s Day will be here sooner than we think. Once you learn how to draw a teddy, you will be able to draw multiple bears or stuffed animals that you can join together in a nice grouped sketch. In general you should have a lot of fun drawing this teddy from scratch, and when you’re done you can tweak the finished sketch to whatever you want your teddy to look like. As you know I will be back real soon, I mean I better be back because there is like eight lessons that needs to go up. I will see ya later for now, but if you’re smart you will await my return. Peace people!

#draw bears #how to draw teddy bears

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