How to Draw Deuce Gorgon

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Begin with drawing the head, and body lines like you see here. The lining should be drawn in a way that will make it easier for you to draw Deuce in his standing pose.


Next, begin drawing out the shape of the lower portion of his face which is the chin, and jaw. Draw in the eyes, and then get the shape of the neck sketched out, as well as the outline of his body like so.


Finish drawing out the head, and then begin adding the eyeballs, and pupils like so. Once that is done you can draw the sunglasses that is resting on his forehead. The next thing you will need to do is draw an ear, nose, and mouth like so. Lastly, be   


It's now time to draw out the snakes on the top of his head, and then when that is done, you can detail his ear, and add a side burn. Draw in necklace, shirt collar line, and then draw in a skull on the front of his tee. You will also need to draw th   


This is your last drawing step, and as you can see all you need to do is add some scales on his shoulder, all the way to the mid section of the arm, and then add the detailing striped lines on the vest, and some checkers on the shoes. Erase the lines   


Here is how your Monster High guy looks when you are all done. All you need to do now is color him in and that's it. I do hope you liked this lesson on drawing Deuce Gorgon.

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October 7, 2010

Description: For a while now I have been getting requests to do a lesson on one of the only boys that is a part of the Monster High click. I have already submitted a few tutorials on more than four of the main characters of the Mattel created toy line. Today, I will be showing you "how to draw Deuce Gorgon", step by step. Now Deuce is the son of Medusa, and he too has a head full of green snakes for hair. The great thing about Deuce is that he still looks a lot like a human boy. His face is handsome, he’s pretty athletic, and the color of his skin is not at all like his mother’s green shade, instead it’s a nice shade of peach. Now like all popular high school boys he too has a girlfriend that happens to be pretty darn popular. Her name is Cleo, and she is the daughter of the Mummy. She thinks that her boyfriend Deuce is absolutely out of this world, and she would do anything for him. Now his snake Mohawk styled hair isn’t the only thing he inherited from his mother, his gaze is something of a threat as well. But unlike his mother’s stare that turns anyone into stone forever, Deuce’s stone gaze only lasts on somebody for about twenty four hours which means even though he can turn someone to stone, the effects will only last so long. To prevent this from happening on a regular basis he usually wears a pair of oversized sunglasses which makes him look even cooler. Anyways, you should have a blast with this lesson on how to draw Deuce Gorgon. I will be back in a bit so keep those eyes peeled.

#draw monster high #how to draw monster high characters

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