How to Draw a Rib Cage

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You will be drawing two different views of the human rib cage. The first thing you need to do is draw frame lining that resembles that of a guitar stand. You will then move to the right, and draw an odd shaped circle.


As you can see you will start sketching out the actual shape of the vertebrae, as well as the surrounding bones to start off the rib cage drawing. When you are done with the left start, you can begin drawing out the right view of a rib cage like so.    


Now just finish drawing out the beginning sculpture of the building blocks for this rib cage. As you can see you will draw the end shape of the rib cage that is from the side view. When you are done, just move to the next step.


For your last drawing step, you will now draw out the actual rib bones like you see here. There should be twelve in all, and when you are done just erase the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.


This is how your ribs look when you are all done drawing them out. You can now include them with your next character drawing, or you can even use what you have just learned the next time you create a new zombie or skeleton figure.

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July 20, 2010

Description: Going forward with another anatomy lesson today, and this time the tutorial will be showing you "how to draw a rib cage", step by step. Drawing parts of the human body is not only helpful, but it also enables you to understand "how to draw a body" in general. This is due to the fact that when you understand the bodies makeup and structure from the inside, drawing the shape of a body on the outside will be easier to do. The ribcage of a person not only provides protection to the lungs, and heart, it is also part of the human diaphragm. Our diaphragm is what you call the upper body or torso. Inside of the torso houses our heart, lungs, ribs, spine, stomach, intestines, both large and small, our gal bladder, liver, kidneys, and much, much more. I have a tutorial located in the anatomy section that shows you, and talks about some of our major organs, and even teaches you how to draw anatomy as well. The human rib cage is also known in technical terms as the “thoracic cage”. One of the main things that the rib cage does, is expand whenever you inhale or take a breath. When the ribs expand, or lift up with the aid from our intercostal muscles, our lungs are able to fill up with air or oxygen, which allows us to breath, and pass oxygen to our muscles, brain, and blood. Now that you have some idea on what the ribs do, and how they operate, there is still another question that rises in us all, “what are the ribs connected to, and how many ribs do we have?”. To answer this question, I had to do a little research to make sure that my assumption was right, and come to find out, my theory was correct. All of everybody's ribs are connected to our thoracic vertebrae, and there is a total of twelve ribs. The first set of ribs are called “true ribs”, and there is a total of seven. These seven ribs are connected in the front of our sternum by cartilages. These cartilages is what makes it possible for our lungs to expand, and deflate. The other three ribs which would be numbers eight, nine, and ten are called “false ribs”. The false ribs are also connected to the seven ribs above them. Finally, ribs eleven and twelve are called floating ribs, and the reason for their name is due to the fact that they are not connected to the sternum at all. The spaces or gaps between the ribs are called intercostal spaces, and they are made up of muscles, nerves, and arteries. Well, I guess that just about sums it up except, how about that age old question where people have always believed that a man has one less rib then a woman? I read a few articles, and it was unanimous, women do in in fact have an extra rib than men. I guess that biblical paragraph was right when it read that God took a rib from Adam, and made Eve. Anyway, that does it for this description, and what a description it is. I will leave you now as you try out this tutorial, and teach yourself "how to draw a rib cage", step by step. I will be back soon, so keep those eyes open. Peace out people, and have a happy drawing day!

#draw anatomy #how to draw anatomy #draw organs #how to draw organs #draw an organ

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