How to Draw a Pinup Girl

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Okay, lets get started. Begin by drawing a circle for her head, and then simply draw out the guidelines for her face, and then for the frame of her curvy looking body.


Here you will sketch out the entire outline of her face structure like you see here, and then carefully draw out her beautiful pouting eye lids and lashes.


Finish drawing in her pretty eyes, and then sketch in her nicely shaped eyebrows. Next, draw her nose, and mouth and then begin sketching out the lining for her hairstyle which is going to be a bit curly or wavy.


Now you can begin drawing out the shape of her body starting with her neck, and back lining. Notice how the shoulder is incorporated with the arched in back. Continue to draw out the body until her thigh, leg, and foot is drawn in.


Here is where you will begin drawing out her other shoulder, and the lining that firms her torso and right arm. When that is done you can draw the left arm and hand, and then draw in her other leg and foot.


It's now time to start adding some curves to this pinup girls body. But first, draw her hand with one finger in her mouth. Next, draw the lines that will form her breasts, and then draw in her curvy waist.


Okay, lets sketch out the rest of her beautiful long locks and as you can see she has these nice curls in her hair that really makes her style pop. Once you have completed her hairstyle, you can move to step eight.


Okay, now all you have to do is draw in her panty line which rest right on her hip, and then draw in the thigh high stocking elastic straps like you see here.


For the last drawing step, all you have to do is draw out her high heel shoes, and then draw out the devilish tail. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one, and then move to step ten to see how she turned out.


Here is what she looks like when you are all done. Now you can color her in, to complete her character. I hope you liked this lesson on how to draw a pinup girl.

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February 2, 2011

Description: I thought it was time to draw something cool and somewhat sexy at the same time since I haven’t really sketched out or created anything cool lately except for Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. For the first lesson of the day, I will show you "how to draw a pinup girl", step by step. Drawing female figures of any kind is a bit harder than drawing male characters. This is because the female body is curvier, and they have a lot of contouring lines which makes them desirable to the male’s eye. This pinup girl is not as original as something you would have seen back in the fifties, but it still holds the same premise. I think you will enjoy learning "how to draw a pinup girl" especially if you are an active artist that loves drawing beauty. I for one had an awesome time creating this female figure, and if you look back at some of the old tutorials on Dragoart, you will see that I did upload a few old fashioned style pinup girls but they have a different heading. I think they can be found in the people category under full body images. Try searching on the two last pages for the female figures I’m talking about if you are interested in taking a peak at those lessons as well. Anyway, that’s it for now I will be back with some more drawing fun so stay tuned in. Peace out people!

#draw girls #how to draw girls #draw a girl #draw a woman #how to draw sexy #how to draw pinup girls

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