How to Draw Poses

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Everyone knows how to draw a stick figure. The truth is, it's also the starting step to drawing poses. It's an easy tool to use when you're trying to create a pose for your pictures once you know how to manipulate the limbs of your stick figure you'   


In order for you to be able to understand how to pose your stick figure to help you with drawing poses, you have to understand how your different joints work.I have three types that I'll need you to know. There is 1, the ball and socket join. This is   


Now that you know how joints work, I'll show you how to make the poses look a little more dynamic but changing the angle that you're looking on at. If you're looking slightly from the side and use perspecitve on your character, you can bring out the    


Now that we got my little tips out of the way, I'll guide you through a pose. Since it's so cold out right now, we'll do a nice warm picture, a girl at the beach with an inner tube. We'll start with the frame for the body, using an 'I' frame for the    


Next we'll draw out the face, face shape, neck and shoulders. Notice how one shoulder sticks out, where as the other it looks like you're almost looking at it straight on from the side. This is how you apply perspective onto your character's pose, by   


Now we'll draw out the rest of her torso, her arms and we'll give her something to wear too. The arms will over lap because one is, once again, more forward than the other and is closer to the viewer.


Next we'll give her a cute hair do.


Then we'll add some detail lines to the hair as well as a little barrette for an accessory.


Lastly, we'll draw out the tube and her legs. We'll also be looking at the tube somewhat from the side so we have to make sure that it doesn't look like we're looking at it from the front so we'll put it as an angle and make the opposite side stick o   


And there you have it. A cute little bikini girl with a cute pose and an inner tube. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and I can't wait to see how yours comes out!

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January 3, 2011

Description: Back again everybody and this time I have got something good for y'all. I'm going to teach you how to draw poses this time around with this new tutorial. I've got tips and tricks and all sorts of things that will come in handy for you when you're trying to pose out the characters in your picture. Valuable tips and tricks that you can use when drawing normal people, anime, or even chibis. Take a look and I hope you enjoy this tutorial I've put together for all of you!

#how to draw girls #how to draw bodies #how to draw female bodies #how to draw body poses

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