How to Draw a Lipstick Stain

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Start out by drawing the lining for the man's neck then draw in the beginning parts to his shirt collar.


Next, you will draw in the folded over shirt collar like so, then make the lines for the tie which is at the base of the collar.


Work on drawing the design of the tie. The knot should be plump looking so be sure to get that drawn out right. When that is done, draw the lining for the jacket collar, then add the crease lines to add detailing to the shirt.


Lastly, draw in that lipstick stain. Color in the lips and you are done.


Here you have it, a completed drawing on a lipstick stain at the collar of a man's shirt. Color it in and you are done.

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July 27, 2014

Description: I'm sure some of you ladies out there have always wondered if your man was in another woman's hands. Sometimes we search for clues like trying to detect perfume, look for hickeys, and even search his cell phone when he's not looking for that odd number that was just called an hour ago. More times then none men will spill the beans involuntarily by not checking his clothing. This lesson will show you how to draw a lipstick stain, step by step and when I say not checking their clothing, it's the truth. They will have lipstick somewhere on their clothes, different colored hair clinging to their jackets or shirts, and even sometimes if you look in their pockets you will find that number. I think this lesson will be enjoyed because I know there are girls/woman out there that has dealt with a cheating man. Enjoy girls and when you find the evidence, kick him to the curb!

#how to draw lips #how to draw ties

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