Next, draw out the dog's snout along with the nose and large egg shaped eyeball. Color in a pupil too. Give this collie a smile and neck with some hair on the chest.
Finish off the head with the ears and top of the head, then add some more hair along the face near the jaw.
Finish off the collie with a tail and the rest of the limbs. Simple as that. Erase the mistakes and guides.
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August 11, 2020
Description: We have done so many animals for beginners, but we have yet to tackle the task of learning how to draw a dog for beginners, step by step. I LOVE this dog. It is, as you can tell depicted from a border collie and so I know lots and lots of you will appreciate this dog being a border collie for the lessons purpose. I think he/she came out perfect and I can't wait for all of you to tackle it. Stick around because there is more to come.