Next, use the facial guides to draw out the brows/eyes, the wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyes. You will also need to draw out the ears too.
Add a small dash for the mouth and draw out the arm/sleeve along with the hand in the meditative hand gesture.
Go ahead and draw out the other arm and hand. Notice the sleeve is loose and the hand is in a clutched pose because he will be holding a staff.
Lastly, draw the rest of the body which is a cloak and then draw the wooden staff and be sure to draw in the detailing to create the grain.
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August 11, 2020
Description: Okay guys. I have some really cute, and simple lessons coming your way. I hope you are having fun with the more challenging tut that I uploaded on Anubis and Reaper. We will take a big step back and tackle some stuff that is great for learning how to draw for beginners. Here is the first lesson on how to draw a monk, step by step. I think monks are such a peaceful group of people and when you think of monks you automatically think of those from Avatar. Or, at least I do. This lesson is going to be super simple and really fun so let's get busy drawing a monk for beginners.