Kissing Wolves Drawing Tutorial
Here you will draw in their foreheads, muzzles and cheek fluff. Notice how close their noses are, that is what you want to see in your drawing.
You can now draw out their eyes. For the female on the left, make pouting lashes. Also, draw the nose tips too.
Complete their head shapes that should also include their ears. Also draw the necks and shoulders.
Lastly, all you have to do is draw in the insides of their ears and then draw the markings on their faces which is the fur color separation. Don't forget to add the whisker spots and blush marks. Erase mistakes and guides too.
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February 2, 2016
Description: How can you ever get enough of seeing drawing on the wolf? I know I can't and that is why I went ahead and made this lesson on how to draw kissing wolves. I don't or didn't do a lot of drawing on animals being loving towards one another, but after seeing a drawing my kid sister did last week, I wanted to do more animals. Plus, Valentine's Day is only ten days away so this lesson can give you a good idea on what to draw for a card to show how much you care for someone. I do hope you enjoy the tut. I will be back with more lessons for you all.