How to Draw a Cute Fairy

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Let's draw out a simple frame for the fairy you will be drawing. Start with a circle for her head and then draw out shoulder lines that flow into arms. Next draw the thighs, and the outlined shapes for her beautiful wings.


Sketch out the beginning form of her hairstye which would be the parted bangs, and then using the facial guidelines draw in her nut shaped eyes. Lastly for this step sketch out the round shape of her face.


Draw in her eyeballs pupils and all and then draw the eyebrows, odd shaped cyan lines, and then more of her hairstyle. To complete your fairies look in this step carefully draw out her elvish like ears as well as add detailing to them, and draw a pre   


Now you will draw out her shoulder and arms and begin sketching out the part portion of her baggy arm socks. When that is done sketch out the length of her hair that rest on top of her shoulders as you see here. Don't forget to add lining detail.


It's always fun drawing wings, and choosing a style that is suitable for the character you are drawing. Since almost all fairies live in the forest, why not sketch out some pretty forest style wings on this cute fairy. Of course you can choose to cre   


Here you will finish off those super baggy arm socks and then draw her small hands as you see here. So far this tutorial is pretty simple right?


For your last drawing step all you will have to do is sketch out the bottom half of the wings, add some design detail to the fairy wings, and then sketch out her legs or thighs, and clothing that rest on her legs. Erase all the guidelines and shapes    


Look how pretty she is. The fun starts now because you will choose a color pallet to shade in your cute fairy that you just learned how to draw. You did an excellent job, and be sure to hang up this drawing when your done. A fairy this pretty shouldn   

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March 4, 2010

Description: I have a special treat for you all because I will give you a lesson that will show you "how to draw a cute fairy", step by step. Drawing fairies is one of my favorite fantasy creatures to draw because they are so simple, and beautiful looking. Since I wanted to draw this fairy a bit hip and modern, I drew some really baggy arm socks that look incredibly cute on her. I think I can honestly say that out of all the fairies I have drawn over time, this version would have to go on my top favorites list. The great thing about this tutorial is that it's wicked easy, and the end results are amazing. She is even cute enough to be used as a wonderful tattoo design. I mean let's face it, fairy tattoos have also become increasingly popular with females that are looking for a sassy design. Well that is all I can say about this lessons description since there is nothing new I can talk about when it comes to fairies. I think it's best that I leave you to this tutorial that you will sure to love. After all, who wouldn't want to learn “how to draw a cute fairy”? I will be back with more drawing fun in a while so try and sty tuned in. Adios until next time friends!

#draw fairy #draw fairies #draw faerie #draw cute characters #how to draw a fairy

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