How to Draw a Chinese Dragon Head

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Step one is always easy and simple. What you are going to do is draw out the guidelines and circle shapes to help you through the whole drawing and sketching process. Draw a big oblong circle shape for the head. Then draw another circle in the shape    


In this step detail the horns a whole lot better by actually shaping them. After that you can detail and add definition to the face by drawing out the mouth nostril holes, eyes, and the shaping and definition on the face. After you complete this step   


Okay in this step what you have to do is sketch out the sharp pointy looking teeth. The two teeth at the top, you know the big fangs, well they have to be curved outward away from the mouth. After you sketch all those teeth in draw the mustache that    


And finally this step will show you how to position the hair that is all over the Chinese dragon head. Draw in two little dots for the pupils, and sketch in all the hair detailing in the beard, mustache, and head. This will take you a few minutes to    


And this is what your finished dragon head should look like when you are done. See now was that so hard? Well of course it wasn't. The only thing left to do is color him in and add your own special flavor. That concludes this tutorial on how to draw    

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February 29, 2008

Description: Today’s tutorial will be on how to draw a traditional Chinese dragon head. There is a lot of information that I already talked about on the Chinese dragon, so it is going to be hard to figure out what to say and talk about. I think I will talk a little about the dragon head and a lot about how I color and what tools I use to create the colorful backgrounds for all the tutorials I submit. Let me talk first on how I use Adobe Photoshop CS to draw and color. First off I never do anything without sketching it out first. A lot of the work I submit here is already drawn out, what I usually do, is take the images I previously sketched in the past and scan it into my comp. Then from there I open my Photoshop program and import the image from the scanner, after that is done I get out my drawing tablet which I use in all my tutorials. After that I create a few extra layers to prepare the sketch to get redrawn. You always have to make layers whenever you’re gonna replicate an image that has been drawn out on paper, this allows you to go back and erase any lines that you mess up on, because sometimes it gets pretty hard to draw out straight or long lines. This usually happens to me when I draw a car, gun, or plane, basically anything that has a bunch of line art. It typically takes me three hours to finish a drawing in Photoshop, sometimes if the image is really detailed it can take me up to five hours to complete, and that just the drawing aspect of the whole do over. Once the drawing is complete I use several tools that the program provides for special effects and color overlays. To use these different tools just select the paint brush tool on your tool bar. Than go up to the area where you select the tip size of the brush you want to use and click on the arrow in the far right corner of little window that pops up. Once you click on the arrow a big drop down list will contain a bunch of different types of brushes for you to choose from. That is how I am able to give such eye catching effects behind the image, and that ends the topic of discussion on my drawing technique. As for the Chinese dragon head, well there is really nothing left to say except, I wanted to draw just the face of a typical Chinese dragon to show some of the cool features they have. So with that said I hope you enjoy this tutorial on how to draw a traditional Chinese dragon head. The instructions are always easy to follow and read, until next time folks.

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