How to Draw a Bleeding Skull

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We will begin by drawing a head guide for the skull's face like so.


Up next, begin sketching out the sockets for the eyes and the nasal cavity like you see here. Notice that the lining is uneven. You will also need to sketch in some surface detailing between the eyes. This will add texture to the skull's surface.


We will now begin sketching out the emaciated looking face starting with the cheeks. They should be bony and real prominent. Once that is done, draw the lining for the upper row of teeth, then sketch in detailing to the mouth and cheeks.


Fill in the grooves with the teeth like so. Once that is complete you can move to step five where the shading will begin.


Once the mistakes have been erased you can start the coloring and shading process. The eyes and nose should be solid black while the rest of the skull's face should be defined using shading technique.


Lastly, add more color and shading to create a dripping or pool of blood or fluid as it flows down the canvas like you see here. Add some imperfections to the wall like splatter marks and then you can proceed to step seven.


Once you lighten up some of the shading around the head and face, you should end up with a finished drawing that looks like the one you see here.

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May 11, 2015

Description: Okay guys, what I have for you next is a lesson that is probably one of the coolest skull designs I have ever made. I am both excited and anxious to get this lesson uploaded because I love how it came out. Up next, I will be showing you how to draw a bleeding skull, step by step. The skull has a face that is meshed in with the wall or background of choice. There is no bottom jaw, just a black empty hole that makes this skull look like it's bleeding down the surface that it's attached to. I had so much fun with this concept and I know others who love drawing skulls will too. So sit back and prepare your work station as you tackle this tut on drawing a bleeding skull.

#draw skulls

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