How to Draw a Heart Skull

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The first thing we need to do is drawing the shape of the skull's head which is in a heart form. Leave the bottom area open, we will fill that in later. Notice the lining is uneven, this is to get structure of a skull.


For step two, draw in the bottom part of the heart skull which is the end of the face/upper jaw. Sketch in the definition lines around the edge of the end lining as well.


Here we will draw in the huge eye sockets. Color them in or create a sketched or shaded swirl effect like you see in the colored image above. Do the same for the nasal cavities and then sketch in some surface texture definition as well to make the he   


And finally, draw in the different shaped teeth to create the point that all heart shapes have. Erase your mistakes and you're all done.


Here is the finished drawing when you are done. Now you can add some fantastic coloring or other blemishes that will make this skull heart stand out.

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March 24, 2015

Description: I'm just going to upload all the cool lessons first, then I will get the other Easter tutorials submitted after. This next lesson was also done as I listed to some awesome music. Here I will show you how to do a wicked cool heart in the form of a skull. The coloring job came out so amazing. The depth I created for the eye sockets and the melting effect for the nasal holes are also pretty sweet. The point of the heart shape is formed by drawing in some teeth to create somewhat of an upper jaw. In all the lesson will be pretty exciting to tackle so let me shut up so you can get started. I will be back, but for now enjoy drawing a heart skull.

#how to draw hearts #draw skulls

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