How to Draw a Comic Book Skull

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Since it's a half skull you will only be drawing the defined shape of one side of the skull in this lesson. Start with the top part of the head and then sketch out the bone structure for the cheek and upper jaw.


Next, begin drawing out the bony structure for the skull's bottom jaw or mandible. Once that is done you can begin drawing the skeletal teeth on the left side like you see here.


Section off one side of the skull's face by drawing a rugged line down the middle of the face. You should have one side and with this side sketch out the hollow of the eye and the nasal cavity for the nose. Finish the top and bottom rows of skeletal    


Lastly, just sketch out the brow bone for the left side of the face and then sketch in the indent lines above the teeth. Once that is done you can erase your mistakes.


With this line art all you have to do is blacken the whole drawing except the bone of the skull. You can make the color red, black, midnight blue or what have you, the choice is yours.

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January 11, 2017

Description: What do you folks think about a lesson on how to draw a comic book skull? Well, since I was playing with the whole comic book themed style drawing, I thought a lesson on a comic book style skull would be something that folks would enjoy. So today that is what we will do. As you will see within the lesson, the skull only has half a face. The other half is blackened out by darkness which makes it an appealing concept to replicate and tackle. I have been drawing skulls since the beginning of Dragoart and over the years I have gotten better at what I do. It's all about practice people. Practice makes perfect and since I'm in front of a drawing tablet for most of my day, I guess you could say I excel at digital drawing. Have fun making this comic book style skull folks.

#draw skulls
1 - Super Cool
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