Drawing Clint Eastwood

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Make a guide shape for the head and then sketch in the facial guidelines.


We will now sketch out the actual face structure for Clint's jawline, chin, and right side of face. When that is done you can draw the ear lobe and some of his hair behind the ear.


Okay, let's sketch in the facial hair, but before we do that you will draw in his eyebrows which are in a frowning or angry expressive pose. This is a typical Clint Eastwood stare. He squints to add effects. Draw in his nose, mouth and then the cigar   


Finish drawing the eyes and be sure to add the creases or wrinkles at the ends of each eye. This will give Clint that stare. Thicken the top lid lines and add detailing to the face and inside the ear.


Now we will draw in his signature hat that he ALWAYS wears in his western films. Add the band around the base of the hat and be sure to add the indents under the lid.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw in the neck, shirt collar and then the seam lines for the poncho he is wearing. Erase all the mistakes and guides, then you're done.


Well, that's it folks. Just color Clint in and show some family members, friends or both who you just drew.

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January 5, 2016

Description: Here is another face that I thought kids would enjoy. I know I never did a tut on this guy before and why I didn't I have no idea. Having said that, here is how to draw Clint Eastwood, step by step and we will do this the way he looks in most of his western films like 'A Fistful of Dollars, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Hang 'Em High, A Few Dollars More and many others. When he did those western movies there was always a similar trait and that was his scruffy facial hair, the cigar or cigarette, his poncho and hat. Granted some of the films don't have him with a thick full beard, but a couple of them do. In any case, if you are an Eastwood fan I do believe you will enjoy drawing Clint Eastwood. I will be back with some other cool lessons so please stick around.

#how to draw people #how to draw actors #how to draw cowboys

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