We will begin by drawing a head and body guide for the buffalo and then draw the hill for the ground.
In this second step you will draw the buffalo's head or face profile and then draw the two front legs. This is just the outline of the buffalo or silhouette.
Complete the body by drawing the back, butt and thighs/legs. Don't forget the tail and then move along to step four.
For the last drawing step all you have to do is define the shape or lining of the terrain that the buffalo is standing on.
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April 16, 2016
Description: In light of all the dreamcatcher tutorials I have made and uploaded, I thought a nice lesson on drawing the grasslands or Plains in a scenery setting would be something that folks appreciate and could even possibly use for school work. Anyways, a grasslands scenery wouldn't be complete without the silhouette of the great buffalo so I went ahead and added one to this online drawing lesson. Anyways, I'll let you have some fun and I will get busy with preparing more of the tuts I have in store for ya'll.