How to Sketch Ponyo, Ponyo
Draw the oval and line lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture.
You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for top of eyes, c. for bottom of eyes & nose, and d. for shoulders.
Look at where her facial outline appears in relation to the guidelines. Draw it in and don't forget the small hump for her earlobe.
Sketch in Ponyo's hair lightly with curls. Notice how the hair follow a curved motion. When drawing those lines, you get more control by drawing from your elbow, not the wrist (which binds your movement). Remember to draw in her ear on the right side
Last but not least, sketch in Ponyo's other half of her shoulders, straps, and arm. Don't forget to add her collar and container. Now you can erase the guidelines if you haven't already.
Your drawing may look like this or you might have your own version. At this point, you can color in your picture with a medium of your choice.
Here is the color combination of Ponyo. Following this step are tips and guides on sketching/drawing.
I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To
Here is how the tools look. I used the 0.7mm 2B mechanical pencil, 9B pencil, tissue, and the blending stump.
This is a black and white version of my full color digital drawing. I used this as a reference for shading in my pencil sketch of Ponyo. As you can see it helps out with how dark the shades are.
Start using a No.2 (HB) pencil for light shading. Small circles or diagonal lines can be applied for the stroking method with very light pressure.
If you shade with your No.2 pencil, go a little darker by adding some pressure. Shade her hair & dress for the same tone.
She is almost done. Take your pencil and sketch her straps and container darker. You can crosshatch or go over applying pressure a few times.
Blend with a tissue. Doing her face, make sure your tissue edge is clean as you rub. Now take another piece and blend her hair and dress. I found the outline did not get too messy as I rubbed over them. Be careful if they get messy. Use a small blend
TIP: To keep your drawing clean, put a piece of paper under your resting hand so oils will not get on the paper. Clean your background with an eraser or kneaded eraser. If you want, draw lightly a small circle for her catch lights. Now you can darken
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May 14, 2013
Description: This is a special anime tutorial, "How to Sketch Ponyo," because a friend requested it. Since the lines are more simple, I've made this a Novice tut. I've seen the anime movie so that makes this special. Here is a summary of it. (Animenewsnetwork) A young boy, Sosuke, befriends a strange looking goldfish whom he names Ponyo. He doesn't know Ponyo is a magic fish who has decidd that she wants to live with Sosuke and the other humans. Unfortunately, Ponyo's decision to give up her underwater life creates a crack in an ancient magic spell, and places the world in danger. Together, Sosuke and Ponyo must set things right. I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Please let me know how you feel about it by commenting, faving or clicking on "Love It." Thanks sooo much!