So this was my first car tutorial. I really didn't like how it turned out but then again it isn't too bad considering that I hadn't drawn cars in AGES. So after this instead of just giving up on cars completely I decided to practice...
So I started doing sketches of sports car. At the time I was planning on doing just another how to draw a car realistic tutorial
I really liked how this sketch came out and thought I was ready to give the car tutorial another go
So this crazy idea came up in my head to design my own concept car then try drawing that. After a few sketches this is what I came up with. When you are designing anything it is always a good idea to know what it looks like from more than one view. I
Next step was to try and sketch the car in three dimensions. This is where two point perspective comes in. If you haven't learned it yet, I urge you to because that is the only thing that makes this an advanced tutorial. Once you get perspective down
So with an idea of what my car might look like, I could start doing a more detailed sketch in 3D. I started by basically drawing two boxes. The large box is the "body" the small box is the "head." Dividing the larger box a few times made things easie
Now, I could start adding basic shapes within the boxes, all while trying to base it all off of the original plans that I drew up for the car. If you don't know perspective yet this may look a bit daunting but don't worry it isn't that complicated.
I progressively added more details but kept them basic. I also started having more ideas as to what I wanted the car to look like. I decided that covers over the front wheels would look awesome and started getting ideas about how to work on the spoil
Slowly added even more details like the fog lights, hood details, and details for the rear wheel cover. You can just go crazy and add whatever you want wherever you want. It is YOUR car after all!
All I really did in this step was erase away some guidelines and try to make it easier to actually see the car itself. If all you need is a sketch for your car you can stop around here. It is up to you if you want to go on and add shading.
Now I could start erasing away and illuminating the car. Since this is a dark environment, the lightest things should be your lights and maybe some reflection on the windshield.
The main additions during this step were the light reflections on the ground and the further development of the areas around the car.
I could now start adding in the darker shading to the right side of the car since I decided the light was coming somewhere from the top left.
And as I progressed I just kept shading in darker values. I even added a few more details here. You can go on forever when rendering something like this but you eventually have to stop...
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December 23, 2010
Description: It has been more than two months but now I can finally wrap up my car tutorial! So instead of just attempting to teach how to draw another car I thought it would be most beneficial to teach how to CREATE your own car (on paper of course). Lets get started!