How to Draw Thor, Chris Hemsworth

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First, let's begin with the basic framework for our head frame for Thor. I like to start simple to further the speed of my process. Take you time though, if you really need to.


Next, we'll work on the face shape for Thor, minding the varied shapes in the frame. We'll be drawing an extra line about the facial frame as the start of the hair.


Then, we'll take our time and draw the individual facial features. From this point, it looks like a Disney male character, or a World of Warcraft human character. Remember, to take your time!


Next, taking a deep breath, we'll start to work on one side of the hair first. Make sure you're keen to the proportions of the head, to create fluffy and fluent hair.


Then, we'll work on the shoulders and the patches on his chest which make him look bulkier. I would suggest to make sure that the outside lines are thicker than the ones that detail the insides. This will make the drawing varied and more interesting.


Lastly, shade the beard in with light graphite and you should nearly be done!


After proofing your work, you should end up with something like this. I hope you guys enjoyed this tut, thank you so much for tuning in!

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June 11, 2012

Description: Yo guys, Dawn here with another cartoony and easy lesson on one of the most popular Avengers characters today. Besides Loki, the relationship between the two is so popular that every fangirl is dying to know more about what happens at the end of Avengers. In this fresh tut, I will prepare simple to draw steps on 'how to draw Thor from Avengers', step by step. I had fun working on this one, especially having a fun experience from the Loki style. Make sure you have inspiration as you start this one, and that you have all the tools needed at your disposal. Anyways, I've gotta get going, enjoy and let me know what you think!

#how to draw thor characters #how to draw avengers characters #how to draw the avengers

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