How to Draw Tom Hiddleston, Loki

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Draw a single circle for Loki's head then sketch in a facial guideline.


The next thing you will do is use the shape you just made as you begin sketching out the structure of Tom's face. Draw the neck as well as the ear. Before you leave also incorporate the forehead.


Now that the face shape is all drawn in, you can start sketching out the eyes. The eyes should come out looking deep or sort of sunken into his face. Make thick nicely shaped eyebrows like so, then draw in his broad start nose along with the slightly   


Finish off the eyes by drawing the creases on the lids and the eyeballs. Sketch out his smirk or smile, then add detailing inside of his ear as well as on his face. There should be dimples, dents, and creases.


Let's get started with drawing the combed back style hair that should fall behind the neck, as well as rest on his shoulders a bit. Draw in the strand lines for added detail, and texture definition.


Make more hair detailing at the hairline on the forehead, then draw the large padded looking shoulders followed by the collar, and cape. Add the remaining details as shown, then begin erasing the mistakes and guides.


Here is what Tom Hiddleston looks like when you are all done. Now you can color him in to perfection, or to the way you like him to look. I hope you enjoyed drawing Tom or Loki once again.

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June 8, 2012

Description: Well guys, even though there is already a tutorial on Tom Hiddleston as Loki, I was asked to make a lesson when I was live yesterday that teaches you "how to draw Tom Hiddleson" or Loki in a cartoon version. So here is my cartoon version of Loki or Tom Hiddleston. I'm actually surprised that folks asked for this lesson on Loki because there is already a tut on him. Loki is proving to be one of the more popular characters from Thor as well as from the Avengers. Who would have thought that such a cool looking figure could ever make it to where he is today. Obviously I'm kidding, I was just trying to be sarcastic. anyways, this should be a relativley easy lesson to follow because all you will be doing is drawing Tom Hiddleston in an awesome cartoon manner. If you are one of those people that would prefer the comic book version of Loki, you can find him in the comic section under "Marvel comics". As far as getting started, I say we should go ahead and get started. There is nothing like tackling a task that you think you will fail in, then come out swinging with success. Adios to all you artists out there. I shall return later.

#how to draw thor characters #how to draw the avengers characters

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