How to Draw the Patriots Logo, New England Patriots

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To begin all you have to make is a long curved line and a vertical line. This will be the guides to draw out the head of the patriot.


Using the vertical line you just made, begin drawing out the actual side profile of the patriot's head and face.


You will use the technique of in-lining to create the face of the patriot from a side view profile. Draw the star on the hat and clean up the mistakes because you are all done.


And lastly, draw the two horizontally placed trails like so, and that's it.


When you color in the solid area's black or blue, you should have a face or logo that looks like the one you see here. Great job guys, I hope you all enjoyed drawing The Patriots logo.

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February 3, 2017

Description: How about another sports related tutorial, a tutorial that will feed all you New England residents, and who are keen to the “New England Patriots”. I remember way back in 6th grade, everyone would RAVE about the Patriots; it was like a home tradition or something. Definitely funny stuff, and honestly, I never found myself to be into that sports stuff. I know there's a lot of you who totally dig sports, but I find it a bit too boring and risky to slam your bodies into one another, cracking necks or spines. But you know, it's like the modern day Colleseum games I guess, riskin' lives here and there, haha. Anyways, get yourself a few drawing tools ready before you start with this logo. For all you New Englanders, you'll totally get a kick out of this tutorial because you will be learning how to draw The Patriots, or Patriots logo. Thank you so much for viewing and odn't forget to post your rendition of the Patriots logo. Peace out and good luck!

#how to draw logos #how to draw a logo #draw logos #how to draw football

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