How to Draw Sushi Cat
We will now draw in the actual definition of Shushi Cat's body and then create the head by drawing ears.
We will now draw in Sushi Cat's face which is just some simple eyes, a nose, mouth and whiskers. Once that is done draw the triangles for inside the ears and then draw the hands.
Lastly, add some stripes down the cats back and then draw in the green onion on the side under the ribbon of seaweed paper. Erase your mistakes if you made any as well as the guides.
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September 22, 2015
Description: I don't know what it is about this kitty that everyone loves so much, but I have been getting requests like crazy to do a tut on how to draw Sushi Cat, step by step. From what I gather by looking at the picture, it's a cat laying on a bed of sushi rice as it's wrapped in seaweed paper with green onion on the side. This is also a very popular meme which is another reason why folks have been giving me requests to do this tut. It won't take long to tackle and complete the lesson. Just follow the steps and you're done.