How to Draw Evil and Good Cat

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Draw a circle for the head and then a semi-heart shape for the body guide and sketch in the facial guidelines.


Use the head guide to sketch out the shape of the cat's head structure. Even though both sides are different, they are also the same in design. be sure to draw in the ears as well.


Start with the right side which is the evil side. The eye is shaped like a pointed egg. The brow should be firmly set and then draw the half smile of the mouth which are showing teeth.


On the left side you can draw in the friendly eye. Add the slit for the pupil and then sketch in the ear detailing, nose and whiskers.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is define the shape of the body and draw in the front legs and feet/toes. Add some fluff on the chest and you can start erasing your mistakes and guides.


Here is the line art. Now you can color in your evil/good cat.

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October 19, 2015

Description: Not everything I draw has to be human related when it comes to draw good and evil concepts. Someone gave me a good idea when they suggested that I make a tut on a cat that has one side good and the other evil. So, that is exactly what I did. Up next, we will learn how to draw Good and Evil cat, step by step. The left side is white just like an angel would be, and the right side is black with red just like evil. The concept itself is pretty simple to replicate so I don't think you will have a complicated time recreating the cat in this lesson so have fun as you take on the task. I shall return so stick around for more.

#how to draw cats #draw cartoon cat
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