How to Draw Spider Pig
Next, we will draw in more of the body starting at the bottom lip. Work your way across and then draw the front legs and hooves.
Finish the shape of the body and the legs then draw out the piggy tail. Erase the mistakes if you made any.
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September 3, 2020
Description: So, I was surfing the web and by accident the phrase 'Spider Pig' came up. Now, take note that I have not heard of Spider Pig before so this was totally new to me. After doing some research I found out that Spider Pig is from The Simpsons and is really named Plopper the Pig and is Homer Simpson's pet pig, but he is better known as Spider Pig and that is for reasons I don't know, but perhaps you Simpsons fans know why. Anyways, here is the lesson finally made by me. I know there is another tutorial on Drago of Spider Pig made by Iceman so be sure to check that out as well.