How to Draw Simple Anime

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Begin this step by drawing a round shape for the head, and then add the guidelines for the face, neck, arms, torso, and the one wing.


Begin drawing out the actual shape of her face, and then the shape of her neck which also flows into her shoulder, and arm. Draw the side of her body too, as well as her bangs.


Now you will draw out her void looking eyes, and be sure to add some thick lining for her top lid. Draw in a nose, and small mouth. Sketch out her ears, and then finish drawing her long straight flowing hair. Detail her neck with a collar bone, and t   


Draw the rest of her body like so, and be sure to add plenty of detailing and texture definition to this simple anime's dress. Also, finish drawing her other arm.


For your last drawing step, sketch out her beautiful wing, and then add some really nice feather edges like so. Detail the feather, and then add some detailing and definition to her hair. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


This is how your drawing looks when all is said and done. You can now color her in and then you have yourself a finished drawing of a pretty, simple anime girl that looks incredible.

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August 23, 2010

Description: I wanted to start the fresh week with a brand new lesson. Today, I will be teaching you guys “how to draw simple anime", step by step. When you draw simple anime you are initially just making basic lines and shapes to form a character of your own or from a particular anime/manga series. For me, drawing anime or manga came natural, and I guess it’s because the characters are really not that hard to sketch out. Unless of course they are wearing detailed clothing, or are equipped with weapons that are difficult to replicate. I mean, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t an expert at drawing anime when I first started. I just understood how the lines and shapes should be placed, and how to add detail and definition. Some of my early works show exactly what I mean when I say that creating my own anime figures came natural. Anyways, I wanted to show you guys how you can create a simple anime character, and still have it come out looking beautiful, and awesome looking. Even if you are not really good when you draw manga or anime, this lesson on "how to draw simple anime" will help you learn what to do first, and how to finish a drawing. I think you’ll like this tutorial, and if you have any requests, please be sure to ask me to fill them. I promise I will get to them as soon as I can. Gotta go now, and remember to keep those pencils moving because you know what they say, “practice makes perfect”.

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