How to Draw Sherlock Holmes

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Okay, let's start drawing Sherlock Holmes by making a circle for his head and the draw the long shape of his jaw. Add the facial guidelines and then attach the head to the shape of the triangular upper body and then add the lining for the pocket, and   


You will now start sketching out the lid line for his deerstalker hat. Next draw the side view shape of his face which includes the nose, chin, face, mustache, and then his ear. You will also need to give this detective some hair as well. Lastly draw   


Finish drawing his deerstalker hat and then draw the throw that he wears on over his coat. Lastly draw out the shape of his eye and then color in the pupil. Also finish sketching out the back of his hair.


Drawing Sherlock Homes is not too bad. What you will need to do is draw his arm in more detail and be sure to draw a shirt cuff. Next draw his hand and then draw the shape of his magnifying glass. Finish the lining for his coat too.


Well, you have come to your last drawing step and as you can see all you have to do is draw the back of his coat and then detail his coat pocket. Lastly draw the pants and then draw the shoes he is wearing. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that yo   


You've done it! You have just finished this tutorial on "how to draw Sherlock Homes step by step". Hopefully you have great fun, and be sure to color in your character to finish him off. Join me next time guys for another fun drawing lesson.

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December 8, 2009

Description: Well kids I think it is time to submit a lesson on a very popular character from literature. He is a detective that has been solving crimes and mysteries since the 1800s. I will be submitting a tutorial that teaches you “how to draw Sherlock Homes step by step”. Sherlock Holmes is a character that was created and written by a man named Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. His first Sherlock Holmes story was called “A Study in Scarlet” which was released in 1886. Doyal based Sherlock's character on a real man named Dr. Joseph Bell who was a famous forensic scientist from Edinburgh University. In all, Sir Arthur Conan Doyal wrote a total of sixty adventures with fifty six of those adventures being short stories, and only four being novels. The stories that Doyal wrote first went to film in the year 1900. When 1939 rolled around, all the books and or novels became a series of films that stared the distinctive actor “Basil Rathbone”. The character developed a trademark look which consisted of a calabash pipe, a spy or magnifying glass, and his famous deerstalker which is the signature hat that the character Sherlock Holmes wheres. Most of the stories of Sherlock Holmes is narrated by his long time friend and biographer, Dr. John H. Watson. Sherlock Holmes has been a character that has become a popular character that is looked up to, revered, and publicized. There is also a board game that is based on the works of Sherlock Holmes called “Clue”. This is a very entertaining game that keeps the players wanting to play more. On a more important note, proclaimed director “Guy Ritchie” sets off on another adventure with the recreation of a new and improved motion picture due to be in theaters on December 25, 2009 which is as you all know, Christmas day. Talented actor Robert Downey Jr. plays Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law plays his trusted friend John Watson. I seen the preview in the theater when I went to go see New Moon and I have to say that the movie looks wicked good. Well that does it for me, I will let you guys get started with this lesson on “how to draw Sherlock Holmes step by step”. Of course the character is a cartoon version of Holmes, which means it will be even more easier to replicate and have fun with. Adios me amigos!


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