How to Draw Sardonyx


Begin with the guidelines and shapes for the frame of your character from Steven Universe.


Okay now define the shape of Sardonyx's face structure and then draw the visors that she wears.


Okay, we will now draw in the eyes, crown on the forehead and then her nose and mouth.


We will work on Sardonyx's body next. This should include the bow, round shoulder cuffs, and a very slender torso.


Now we will draw in her arms and hands. Her hands are resting on her hips.


As I said in the description, Sardonyx is very tall so her hips and waist will begin high up on her torso. Draw in the long legs and then her feet.


We will draw her second sets of arms and hands along with the hair or bushy tail.


Let's finish this lesson off on drawing Sardonyx from Steven Universe and draw the hairstyle. Erase those guides and mistakes then you are done.


That's it folks. Here is your line art. Now just color her in and be done with it.

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August 1, 2015

Description: There are two characters that have been requested more than twice and by more than two people and they are both from Steven Universe. I'll start with 'how to draw Sardonyx, step by step. She is a fairly new fusion creation. Sardonyx is what you get when you fuse Pearl and Garnet. Sardonyx is very tall almost gigantic, has four arms and is a golden amber like color. Her debut episode was "Cry for Help". If you are one of the folks who asked for a tut on drawing Sardonyx, here it is. Have fun with it and show it off!

#how to draw steven universe characters #how to draw steven universe
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