How to Draw Roman Reigns

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You will be drawing Royal on a tilted downward pose so when you sketch out the head or face guide, be sure to keep that in mind. Also sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using what you just drew in step one, begin sketching out the actual shape of the face. Be sure to make the lining to show the prominent chin and cheek bone structure. Draw the outline of the ear as well as the hairline.


Use the facial guidelines to draw out the thick, dark eyebrows, then sketch out the shape of his nose. As you can see the nose has that Asian look because he is Samoan. Draw in the mouth with a single line for the top lip, and then a thicker, fuller    


Before you get started with the eyes, sketch in the outline of the mustache and goatee first. When that is complete darken the lining, and then color in the mustache and beard. Sketch in the indent to accentuate the cheek, then proceed to step five.


Now we can draw out the slanted or wide shaped eyes. The top lid line should be dark, thick or black and the eyeball itself should be colored in solid. Add some bags under the eyes like so as well.


All you have to do in this step is something very simple, add detailing inside of the ear.


Now we can get busy with drawing out the hairstyle which is a slick combed back style. The detailing and definition should also be added to his hair to add texture.


Believe it or not, but this is the last drawing step. All you have to do here is sketch in the chunks of hair that fall down the shoulders onto the chest, then sketch in the definition to the chest, collar area, and then his neck. Erase any and all o   


Here is the finished drawing of Roman Reigns. You can either do as I did and color him in, or leave this wrestler as a sketched image.

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November 3, 2013

Description: If you have't guessed it by now with this tutorial submission, I am uploading the three men that make up The Shield from WWE. Here we have a lesson on "how to draw Roman Reigns", step by step. Out of all the wrestlers I drew today, this is my favorite one because it came out the best. I think it's because Roman has dark features like black hair and dark eyes, and that goes well with the black lines. Roman Reigns was born Leati Joseph "Joe" Anoa'i and before he became a professional wrestler for the WWE, he was a football player for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, the Minnesota Vikings, and the Jacksonville Jaguars. He is of Samoan decent and comes from a long line of Samoan wrestlers. It was fun drawing Roman Reigns because he is such a tranquil looking figure in this drawing. If you like The Shield, you will enjoy this tutorial. Have fun people and stay tuned in.

#how to draw wrestlers

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