How to Draw Robert Freeman

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1 Head and face guides

For the first step you will draw out the circle and facial guidelines. This is for the head and face.

2 Head and facial structure

Next, go ahead and start to draw out the shape of Granddad's facial structure. The top part of the head should not only be shaped out, but it should also have the hairline formed.


All you have to do here is draw out the shapes of the ears and add the detailing inside them as well.


Next up, give Granddad or Robert his hairstyle which is your basic older person thinned out do.


Here is the trickiest part. Using the facial guidelines you can begin to draw the face starting with the well defined brow bone lines and then the eyebrow shapes. When that is done draw the sharp formed nose and frown lines as well as the indents to    


Draw in those eyes with the no nonsense expression and color in the pupils too.


For the very last step all you have to do is draw in the rectangular shaped eyeglasses which rest in the middle part of the nose and then draw the mouth line. Erase the mistakes and clean up the guides.


That's it, you're done. Now you can color in this drawing of Robert Freeman.

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June 12, 2020

Description: Hey guys. Welcome back to another lesson and this time it will be on another Freeman character from The Boondocks. Today I will show you how to draw Robert Freeman, step by step. I wanted to get all the major Boondocks characters uploaded that I knew of because they are all so very awesome. Robert Freeman or Granddad by the Freeman boys, is a pretty jive character who has a lot of history under his belt. I think you will love this lesson on drawing Robert Freeman, so stay tuned for more.

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