How to Draw Pirates


We're going to start from the top and work our way down when it comes to tips today. Pirates wear hats for a a couple different reasons. To show rank and to keep the hot sun off their heads. There are different styles of hats from a tricorn hat (   


Just like hats, there are different types of eye patches as well. There is the standard stereotypical eyepatch consisting of a circle or oval with strings or a band to hold it on. There is a more secure style (and my personal favorite)with three stra   


Pirates really don't have much time to deal with grooming, and really, out on the sea, there isn't anyone that you need to impress either. They will normally wear it messy, matted, or if they need it out of their face, sloppily pulled back and held w   


Women generally have longer hair and keep it tied back. Whether it be braids, a head band or a bun, any one of these works. Also you can always have them have shorter boy-style hair


Facial hair also comes in different styles. A small goatee and mustache, bushy eyebrows, a long full beard tied together with some cord or braided. Mustaches can be curled up or down and be pencil thin or thick and connecting to the rest of the facia   


Pirates are cheap and their wardrobes normally consist of a miss matched set of clothes. Whatever they can get second hand for cheap, or even better, free, they'll wear. Same goes for boots, though when you're working on a wet deck, you'll get more t   


women will often wear more feminine clothing in combination with secondhand attire, wearing a skirt or frilled blouse along with a pair of ratty trousers and a worn leather vest.


Accessories for pirates have either a use; such as a sturdy belt, a compass or scarf, or a sentimental value, such as jewelry or a medallion that might have been part of their first raid.


Pirates utilize all sorts of different weapons and know how to use them, even if that means how to fight dirty with them. A saber or rapier is great for stabbing and thrusting. A dagger, great for sneaking up and stabbing someone in the back, or it c   


Sometimes battles and raids can end with misfortune and a pirate might need a substitute limb or two. Peg legs will keep them up and moving around and hooks will give them at least a little use, though it isn't nearly as good as your old hand.


Now that we've gone over all of that, we'll go through drawing a pirate. First, like all pictures, you want to start with a structure or frame showing the different parts of the body and how you want your figure to be posed.


from there we'll start adding in details, working form top to bottom. We'll define the shape of the head and draw in the face. I've only drawn one eye because I'm giving him an eye patch.


Next we'll defines the other features of the head, such as scars, facial hair, hairline and piercings and also an eye patch if you wish to add one.


From there we'll start connecting his head to the rest of the body, drawing his neck. We'll connect that neck to a pair of shoulders and a chest and start drawing his shirt as well.


We'll add some details to that shirt, such as trim and laces, as well as define where the shirt ends. We'll give him a vest with some buttons as well.


Next we'll give him some arms and hands. I'm going to give him clenched fists so that later we can put stuff in his hands. I also gave him a pair of bracers to protect his forearms.


And of course we can't have him walking around with pants...or legs for that matter. We'll give him short pants, that way they'll keep out of the water and not get soaked.


From there we'll finish off his legs and give him some feet.


We'll add a few last details to our pirate. A medallion around his neck, a rolled up map in one hand and an ax in the other.


And there you have it, a pirate.

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October 28, 2012

Description: Hello everyone. It seems like forever since I've submitted my last tutorial on here...but I have a reason, I was super duper busy with work and such. Work has died down a bit now and I have a new tutorial for you, this time one on drawing pirates. In this tutorial I'll go over the different aspects and parts of pirates along with go through with you step by step drawing one. I hope you're prepared and ready for this tutorial and we'll go ahead and get on to drawing!

#draw pirates #how to draw pirates #draw a pirate

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