How to Draw Pikabasaur


Start off with a head shape like so.


Draw in the top lining for the head followed by the small cone shaped ears.


Finish drawing the shape of Pikabasaur's face like so, then proceed to step four.


Use the facial guideline to draw and color in the glossy eyes. When that is done you can draw the nose, mouth and cheeks. Add the marks on the ears along the tips.


Here we will draw the front legs and three clawed toe nails on each foot.


Next up, simply draw out Pikabasaur's bulb and add detailing to the top of the bulb.


Add lumps to the top of the bulb for added detailing.


Almost done folks. Draw the back leg, followed by the toe nails.


Erase the guides and mistakes so when you add the texture spotting on the legs and body there will be nothing in the way of adding the detailing.


Here is the end result when you are finished. Now you can have fun coloring in Pikabasaur.

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April 19, 2014

Description: How is this Pokemon fusion for you all? What better way to celebrate our favorite Pokemon species then to combine the ones you love. Here is "how to draw a Pikabasaur", step by step. Boy, that name is definitely a mouth full. I don't know what to say except this is one cool looking but simple Pokemon fusion. It has the face of Pikachu and the body of Bulbasaur. The black bulb on the back is colored perfectly to match the entire concept of this Pokemon fusion of Pikabasaur. I hope you have fun with this tut folks, I will meet you all back here tomorrow.

#how to draw pokemon
1 - Super Cool
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