How to Draw Ninjas

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To draw a ninja start by making the shape for the head, and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw the body frame lines so you have a workable pose.


The next thing you will do is draw out the actual shape of this ninja's head, and face shape like so. Once complete, you can begin sketching out the shape of the arm, and hand.


Continue to sketch out the contours of the muscular arm like you see here, and then when that is done, you can start drawing out the left side of the body which includes the left arm, hand, torso, and waist. Draw the mask line and then color in some    


Before you start adding in some shading, you will draw out the line for the head gear, and then draw out the tied straps in the back that is blowing in the wind. Next, begin sketching out the sword like so, and then add more detailing to create the s   


Now it's time to start adding the definition to the body of this powerful looking ninja fighter. When you add the shading, you must also add the crinkle detailing lines that are on the face mask like so. Be fore to define the abdomen, and then color    


Well everyone, you have reached your last drawing step. All you have to do is draw out the rest of his lower body, and then add the rest of the shading. Erase the guidelines and shapes you drew in step one.


This is how your drawing should look when you are all done. If you want you can color in this ninja, or you can do like I did and leave it as a black and white image.

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August 18, 2010

Description: I have been getting countless requests to make a tutorial out of one of the artwork images I have on my profile. There is so many different works of art that I have submitted, and yet I have never thought about making a lesson out of any of them. Today, I am going to take the request into consideration, and submit yet another tutorial on "how to draw ninjas", step by step. I figured labeling this lesson to just “ninjas” would be best since he is not a specific character or anything. I do however have a couple of tutorials on different style ninja's like a cartoon ninja, a chibi ninja, and a plain old regular ninja. The sketch for this idea was very complex because of all the muscle definition I added with the arms. The body pose for this ninja warrior was also a challenge, and to tell you the truth, I'm not finished with the sketch as of yet. I wanted to add some length to the sword he is holding over his shoulder, and I think I will sketch in the rest of his sword tomorrow. Instead of coloring this drawing, I figured it would be best to just leave it as a black and white image to give the feeling of a real ninja warrior. I mean after all, these skilled martial artists are very illusive, and dangerous. Even though the sketch was time consuming, I still had an awesome time creating this work of art. I know present to you this tutorial on “how to draw ninjas", step by step, and hopefully you will add something unique to your sketched warrior. I will be back tomorrow guys with some more fun things to draw. In the mean time, enjoy the rest of your drawing day, and be sure to rate and comment on all the art and tutorials you visit. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw a ninja #draw ninjas #draw ninja warriors #how to draw ninjas #how to draw ninja

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