How to Draw MnMs


Begin the first step by drawing the shapes of each candy shape. In this case you will be drawing a peanut filled candy and a chocolate filled candy. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then draw the feet and leg guides.


Define the shape of the peanut M&M which looks very much like an egg.


Define the circle shape for the chocolate filled candy, then proceed to step four.


Here you will utilize the facial guides and draw out the eyes which are half closed. Draw and color in the eyebrows, then proceed to the next step.


Next, draw the big friendly smile, then draw the 'M' on the stomach. Add the bottom lip bump, then proceed to step six.


All you have to do here is draw the arm and hand, then move to step seven.


Draw the leg and sneaker like so, then add a sole and some stripes on the sneaker.


You will draw in the other leg and foot as well.


Draw the large shapes eyes for the chocolate candy, then draw and color in the eyebrows.


You are almost finished folks. Add his smile, then again draw an M.


You are almost there. Draw the legs and shoes, then you can go to the last drawing step.


Add the stripes on each shoe and then you can begin erasing the mistakes.


The line art comes out looking like the drawing you see here. Color the two figures in and you are all done.

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August 19, 2013

Description: Here is a lesson that I planned on uploading a few days ago but I didn't so I will be submitting it today. Here is "how to draw M&M's", step by step. These two M&Ms are the most popular as far as seeing them in commercials go. There is a total of six M&M's consistently in circulation, and all of the six colors are what's in each pack of M&M's candy. There is yellow, red, green, blue, brown, and orange. The green and brown colored candy is usually a girl, but the rest are feisty boys that have their own personalities. As you know M&M is a trademark product through Mars Inc. Drawing M&M's will be fun and part of American culture. So have fun and enjoy folks.

#how to draw candy
1 - Super Cool
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