How to Draw Markiplier


Begin with the head guide, then sketch in the facial guidelines. Also add the guide shape for the hand too.


For step two, you will need to start sketching out the structure for Markiplier's face shape. Also include the hairline that will frame his face as well as the shape of the ear.


Up next, draw out the large frames from his glasses, then you can move to step four.


Here you will draw the thick eyebrows in their expressive form. When that is done draw in the large eye shapes which should be round. Color in the pupils, then draw the nose.


For the fifth step, you will need to draw in Markiplier's happy grin or smile. There should also be indents at the corners of his mouth. Add detailing inside the ears, and then move to step six.


You are almost done with this lesson. As you can see you will draw the shape of his neck, then add detailing to the base of the neck where the shirt line is.


Now you can continue to draw the shirt collar, then draw the shoulders and some of the chest.


Draw the head shape which is also the hairstyle. As you can see his hairstyle is sort of long in the front and has a life of it's own.


This is a simple step because you will only have to draw the thumb for his hand.


Here you will draw in the rest of the hand which is the pointer finger and the rolled down fingers.


Give him a palm and arm like so, then add some detailing to the palm.


Lastly, draw in a fingerprint, then add the knuckle definition on each finger followed by the thumb nail. Erase your guidelines and shapes and you are done.


That's it, you have completed this lesson on drawing Markiplier, color him in and you are finished.

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August 4, 2014

Description: Okay folks, are you ready to tackle a tut on a really popular Youtuber? Good, here is "how to draw Markiplier", step by step. His real name is 'Mark Edward Fischbach'. He is best known for his uploads like; Drunk Minecraft, the Amnesia series, his commentaries on Slender: The Eight Pages, and many more. This lesson is a very simple task, so if you are a fan of Markiplier you should enjoy this tut. I will be back soon so stick around for more drawing fun.

#how to draw real people #how to draw markiplier
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