Ok, so first we draw the outlines of the head, body and neck. These are just circles and lines so are pretty easy to do.
Now we will draw where the legs will go. Yours can go anywhere you like, or you can just copy mine.
Then draw her wings, horn, nose and ear. Your mouth can be closed or open. Make sure that the wings are the size you want them to be.
Now we can draw the lumpy part - Her hair! This hair is similar to Pinkie Pies, but a lot longer and thicker. Make sure the hair is the right size, or it would look out of proportion.
Details start to come in now. Add lines around the horn, and her eye. The eye is just below the fringe on her mane.
Next we add her cutie mark, neck band and crown. Obviously her cutie mark is gonna be a yellow star, but you can use any other cutie mark if you think it would suit her.
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September 4, 2014
Description: I looked back at my other version of this tutorial, and was sorta horrified as there were bits missing, and stuff was deleted etc.... my computer was old and glitching. Sorry. But im back to do another one! Hopefully much better this time. So anyway this is how you draw MLP LSP. LSP is a character from Adventure Time. I was bored the other day, and drew absolutely ALL the AT princess as Alicorns in my sketchbook, and decided to do some tutorials. So look out for more AT MLPs soon!