How to Draw Kawaii Suicide Squad Joker

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We will start with the shape and structure of Kawaii Joker's face like so. When you get that done draw in the hairline and then his ears.


Up next we will work on the face. For the brows, draw a straight line across the forehead and then draw two large eye shapes. You will want to color in those eyes too and then draw the mouth.


Finish the head shape by drawing Joker's head in a combed back style. Write the word 'deranged' across the forehead and you are done here.


Now let's draw the body. It first consists of the long trench coat style jacket. Draw the arms, body, legs, hands and feet. Add some detailing where needed.


Okay guys. Finish this drawing by drawing a tear drop on the cheek, the name 'Joker' across the chest and then the pant and shirt line. Erase the mistakes if you made any.


Here is the line art. It was as easy as that. Joker from Suicide Squad looks cuter in Kawaii form then in regular form.

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April 30, 2017

Description: Okay folks, I know everyone will fall in love with this lesson on the Kawaii version of Joker from Suicide Squad. As many of you already know, Joker is going to be played by Jared Letto. Now some say that he will ruin the role of Joker, and then there are some that say he will be perfect for the role. I myself am torn between the two, but I can tell you that I am leaning towards ruining. But then again I may be wrong. Anyways, this lesson on how to draw Kawaii Suicide Squad Joker isn't going to be hard at all to replicate. All you have to do is follow the steps and you're done. Have fun and let me know what you think of the tut.

#how to draw batman characters #how to draw suicide squad #how to draw suicide squad characters

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