How to Draw Kaveh, Genshin

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As always start the first step with some guidelines and shapes.


You will then draw out the shape of Kaveh's face followed by the bangs, neck shape and then draw in the eyes completely as well as the eyebrows.


For this step, you will draw out more of his hairstyle in more detail as you see here. Just add more chunks to the style and draw out the shape of his one ear. Also add the nose and mouth.


Complete the head shape and then draw the shirt collar and more of his hair. You will also draw in the beginning part of the necklace he wears as well. Detail the hair at the root or top of the head before proceeding to step five.


Now draw the shoulders. Be sure to use rugged lining to add texture to the cloak that he wears. You will also draw out the pendant-like buckle in full form and sketch in the detailing to it as well.


For the last drawing step, you will draw all the embroidery detailing to the cloak as well as all the texture and design lines. Once that is done you can clean up your art by getting rid of the guidelines and mistakes.


Here is the line art now that you are done. Go ahead and color Kaveh in and show off your work to other Genshin fans. This was a fun Genshin fan art

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January 9, 2024

Description: Hello everyone. Here is another lesson for you guys. Today I will be showing you how to draw Kaveh, step by step from the Genshin Impact roleplaying game. I was told that this is a very popular game, and Kaveh is one of the more popular characters. I wanted to try and color him in a true gameplay style of style instead of using black lines. I think it came out pretty good in the end, but I will let you guys be the judge of that. I'm not perfect. I'm improving every day and the more I draw the better I become. I still have so much to work on regarding my lines, coloring, and animal drawing. I really like drawing anime/manga which is why I do so much of it. Anyway, if you are a fan of Genshin, you will definitely love this lesson on Kaveh. Thanks for viewing and if you want to see another character from the game or any other anime, please comment below. Don't forget to like, love, fav and share.

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