How to Draw Kanato Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers

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Are you ready? Start with the head guide, then draw in the guidelines for the face, shoulders and torso.


Define the lower portion of the face like so, then draw in a small piece of earlobe.


Use the facial guidelines to draw the shapes of his eyes like so, then add the thin eyebrows. You will also need to draw in the eyeballs.


Now add the nose and his smirk which is really an upside down frown if you get him mad enough.


Sketch in Kanato's hairstyle which should end up looking soft, refined, and full of body. The edges are thin points.


The face and head is complete. Draw the skinny neck, then sketch in the ruffled collar.


Finish the ruffles for his shirt collar, then add the flaps from his jacket. You will also need to draw in the necklace and pendant too.


Almost done folks. Sketch out the shoulders, arms and then the rest of the formation for the suit jacket or torso like you see here. Take your time so things come out accurate.


To finish this character off all you have to do is draw in the seam or stitch line from the shirt, then add the clasps that are on the flaps of the coat. Erase the mistakes along with the guides.


The line art is done. You can color in Kanato Sakamaki to bring this eerie character to life.

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July 15, 2014

Description: At first glance I thought I was looking at a female character but then I did some reading and found out that this figure is actually a boy, not a girl. Anyways, a few folks have been asking me to make lessons on some Diabolik Lovers characters and since I never heard of the series, I had to go ahead and do it because it must be good. Here is the first of the three tuts on the characters, "how to draw Kanato Sakamaki". I don't know that much about Kanato, but from what I've read I take it he is one sick puppy. He was ignored as a child, he was seen as the black sheep, and he has a sadistic side that when mixed with his anger outbursts, he can really be dangerous to be around. Drawing Kanato shouldn't be too complicated. I had fun doing it even though I have no idea who he is. Enjoy folks and let me know what you think of the tut.

#how to draw diabolik lovers #how to draw diabolik lovers characters

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