How to Draw Kanade, Angel, Angel Beats

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Make your circle for her head, then sketch in the facial guideline.


Next, softly sketch out the shape of her face like so, then draw in thick eye lids for the top part of her eyes. Sketch in a nose and mouth as well.


Finish drawing out her eyes by making the shapes of the eyeballs. Sketch in the lid crease as well as the thin eyebrows.


Now you will begin the drawing process to creating her long, straight hair. Start with the sharp looking bangs, then draw the length which flares over the shoulder in later steps. Notice how her bangs are parted.


For the last step all you have to do is draw some more pieces for her hair, then draw in the contour of her neck. End this step by drawing the shoulder and side view of her arm. Erase the mistakes if you made any to keep things clean.


Here is Angel or Kanade when you are all done. Now you can color her in to really complete her.

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June 28, 2012

Description: Even though I'm not familiar with the character that I am about to submit, I think this is one of the prettiest anime figures I have come across. The lesson is going to be on "how to draw Kanade", step by step. She is from an anime/manga called Angel Beats. As far as the series Angel Beats go, I can't say I ever read or watched an episode. I can tell you a little something about the character though because once I saw the image of the figure I was about to draw, I also did a little reading. From what I understand she is one of the main characters of Angel Beats. She also goes by the name of Angel, and this is a nickname that was given to her by the Afterlife War Front. Initially they started calling her Angel because no one knew her real name at first. Once folks knew who she was, they still called her Angel because of her “special” abilities. Kanade is the student council president at The Afterlife School. There is also a group called the SSS, this group is run by Yuri Nakamura. In the story Yuri has a conflicting relationship with Kanade because she believes her to be a servant of God. Because of this Angel is caught in a battle between and the ongoing feud goes on. Angel's character is very pretty and innocent looking. She has gold colored eyes and hair that is like a silvery white shade. Like all Afterlife students, she wears the typical school girl uniform, but her looks obviously sets her apart from the others. I had a lot of fun drawing Angel, or Kanade, and if you're a Angel Beats fan, you will enjoy this tutorial too. I don't know if I will submit my last lesson because I have to tweak it a bit more. Have fun and be sure to keep those requests coming in.

#how to draw angel beats #how to draw angel beats characters

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