How to Draw K-9 from Doctor Who

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Since we are drawing a robot dog you will need to make two very different shapes. The body shape of this dog resembles a doctor's bag. Draw out the shape of a doctor's bag, then draw in the head guide.


Begin sketching out the actual structure for K-9's head. As you can see the top part of the head is flat while the rest of the face is like a normal dog.


You will now sketch out the dimensional look of the robotic dog's snout. Make squares for the eyes, then draw in the horizontal lines that define and detail them.


For the ears you will draw antenna like buds. Detail and define the ears, then you care done for step four.


Next up, draw the dog's collar and add the key like tag as well that is attached to the collar.


All that is needed here is the definition of the K-9's body. The lining should be nice and straight. Make sure that there is a slight dip in the rear end.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is draw the detailing to the side of K-9's body. Draw in the P~H, then draw the circuit board to the top of the robot's body. Draw in the antenna like tail, then you can erase all the mistakes. I know this   


Here is the line art when you are all done. Color in K-9 and that's it.

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May 29, 2013

Description: So on my latest tutorial on Clara, I've got quite a lot of feedback asking me to create several Doctor Who character tutorials. In this sweet tut, I will show you a cool and easy way on "how to draw K-9 from Doctor Who", step by step. This dog bot is one of the main creatures in the series. Though I have never watched Doctor Who, I've seen tons of DW related posts on Tumblr and Facebook. There's lot of 'Whovians' that love this show so I respect that. With that being said, get your pencils, papers, and erasers and you'll be on your way drawing this dog bot! Let everyone know who your favorite Who characters are and why. Also, should I consider creating a tutorial for the Weeping Angels? Let me know! Until next time.

#how to draw doctor who #how to draw doctor who characters

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