How to Draw John Cena

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Start this first step by drawing out the guidelines and shapes for John Cena. Draw a circle for his head and then add the facial guidelines. B+Next draw a neck line and then draw out the shoulders for his chest and then draw out the arm lines and the   


You will start this next step by sketching out the shape of John Cena's face and then sketch out the ear, and left side of the neck. Draw the right arm and fingers and then add the lines for the fingers on the right hand. You will then sketch out the   


Start sketching out the shape and style of John Cena's hair and then you can start sketching out the eyes, nose and mouth. When that is done you can then sketch out the rest of his arms and then detail his chest by giving him a nice looking built che   


You will now start shading in John Cena by sketching out the eyebrows in more detail and then detail under his nose, neck, chest, stomach, arms and waist. Sketch in more detailing to the pants and then under his arm. Once that is done you will detail   


Here is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is sketch in more shading to the entire body. But before you do this you must erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one. When your sketch is cleaned up you can move to the    


Here is what your cleaned up sketch should look like when you are done. As you can see John Cena looks great. If you want to you can color him in with some nice water color and then you have finished learning "how to draw John Cena" step by step.

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July 6, 2009

Description: Who here loves the sport of wrestling even though it is solely used for entertainment purposes only? Well sorry to say guys I unfortunately am not a fan of wrestling only UFC. I wanted to do a lesson for all you wrestling fans out there and because this star was requested not by a member, but by my uncle. I am going to teach you “how to draw John Cena”, step by step. Now, I may not be into wrestling, but I do know who John Cena is. Lets start out by stating his stats. He is six foot one, weighs two hundred forty pounds, he comes from West Newbury, Massachusetts, his signature move is the “attitude Adjustment, and the STF, he has made World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, U.S. Champion, World Tag Team Champion, and the 2008 Royal Rumble Winner. John Cena didn’t always have it so good though, in fact he had to work his way up from nowhere. He grew up a real hip hop homie and was often picked on by the neighborhood kids that listened to rock and roll. He walked the streets wearing baggy pants, rayon shirts, and he used to love freestyling about how it was growing up. After a while Cena didn’t worry about getting picked on anymore because he started really getting into going to the gym and buffing up big time. When he was in college he played collage football and he was excellent on the field. Still, football wasn’t his calling and he only came out of his studies with a degree in “Exercise Physiology”. It’s a good thing that he received that degree because his performance in the ring is outstanding. He joined “World Wrestling Entertainment” or WWE around 2001 and has since been with them. How do I know so much stuff about John Cena you ask? I have to thank my uncle for all the 411 on Cena, I mean if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t know any of his stats. That’s okay because I really do know of him. Drawing wrestlers is hard when you are doing a real sketch. If you learn "how to draw a wrestler" using a lesson on a cartoony looking character, then that is pretty easy, but as you know when I want to do a wrestler I go all out. John Cena is now doing movies and I think it is because he wants to explore his horizon. This tutorial however will show you “how to draw John Cena", step by step. Have fun with this one, I will be back in a while with more drawing fun. Peace out people!

#how to draw a wrestler #how to draw wrestlers #how to draw wwe wrestlers
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