How to Draw Shawn Michaels

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Okay, lets start drawing Mr. Michaels shall we? Draw the head shape and then add the facial guidelines. Draw the neck line, and then draw the shoulder lines.


Next you will start sketching out the eyes. See how the lining is bolder on the upper lid than the lower lid. Once that is done draw the eyeballs, and then add some shading like you see here.


As you can see his eyes start taking shape when you are done with this step. You will start by sketching out the eyebrows, and add the shading to the left side of his face like you see here. The nose should be sketched out perfectly because that is t   


Begin sketching out the shape of Shawn Michaels face, which includes the ears and all. Add the shading inside of his ears, and then finish drawing the mouth, and the sides of his hairstyle. Next, add definition and detail by drawing some textured sha   


For your last drawing step all you have to do his long locks that is neatly combed like so, and then add the definition with shading to add the texture. Shade in the area under his neck, and then add the collar bones, and straps he is wearing as an o   


When you are done your sketched drawing of Shawn Michaels should look like the one you see here. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial that showed you how to draw WWE wrestlers step by step.

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May 6, 2010

Description: I am going to fulfill another request for all you wrestling fans out there that love watching men slam into other men as they battle for a world championship title. Today I will show you "how to draw Shawn Michaels", step by step. Like I said with previous tutorials on wrestlers, I'm not a fan of the sport at all. I do however like Ultimate Fighting, and some boxing matches. Anyway, now that we have that out of the way, lets talk a little about Michaels shall we? First off, he was born Michael Shawn Hickenbottom in Chandler, Arizona on July 22, 1965. What people may not know is that Shawn grew up in a military family which means he moved around a bit during his childhood. At one point he even lived in Reading, which is located in Berkshire England. Most of his childhood though was in San Antonio, Texas. I know what your thinking, “if his real name is Michael, why does he call himself Shawn?". The answer to that is simple. When he was a boy, he really wasn't fond of the name Michael. So instead of his real name, people just started calling him by his middle name which is Shawn. Now that you know a little of his childhood, let's now talk about his professional wrestling career and how he got started. It all began when Michaels started training with professional wrestler, Jose Lothario. While being trained under Jose's wing, he took the stage name “Shawn Michaels”, and stayed with it permanently. Shawn began wrestling at the age of nineteen, and from there his popularity began. After an incident during a talk show, which basically consisted of Michaels kicking his team-mate, Marty Jannetty, who together they made the duo “The Rockers”, into a glass window. After that happened, Marty disappeared, and Shawn was now known as a villain called “The Boy Toy”. As you can imagine his fame just continued to grow and grow. Some of the titles that he won consists of AWA Tag Team Championship, WWF/E Championship x3, WWF European Championship, WWF Intercontinental Championship x3, WWF/E World Tag Team Championship x5 with Diesel, x2 with Steve Austin, John Cena, and Triple H. Finally, he also had the pleasure of winning World Heavyweight Championship x1. No matter how you look at it, I guess he was an awesome wrestler. This tutorial will show you "how to draw Shawn Michaels", step by step. I hope you like this lesson, it took me literally three hours to color and complete him. Have fun guys and come back to see what else I have in store.

#how to draw a wrestler #how to draw wrestlers #how to draw wwe wrestlers

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