How to Draw Blaze

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Okay lets start this first step on "how to draw Blaze from Sonic" with some easy to draw guidelines and shapes. First draw a circle for her head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the ear lines, and then the body's line of mot   


Here in step two you will start sketching out the shape of her face which includes the ears, cheeks and some of her mouth. Next start drawing out the left side of her chest and or torso, and then incorporate the lining with her jacket. Draw out the l   


You are already on step three which means there is only two steps left. You will complete the shape of Blaze's head and then start drawing out her catty eyes which include the lashes and all. Next draw her nose and then some of her collar shape. You    


Here you are at last, your final drawing step. What I need you to do now is draw out the ponytail Blaze wears and then add the detailing ear lines. You will then draw the jewel on her face in between her eyes and then draw out and color in her eyebal   


Well here is what your Sega character should come out looking like when you are done. She is now ready for color and then you will be completely done with this tutorial on "how to draw Blaze the Cat" step by step.

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July 6, 2009

Description: Sonic the Hedgehog is a character that is really popular no matter how old the game series may be. I have a bunch of characters already from Sonic but there is one that I failed to draw and upload. In this tutorial I will be showing you "how to draw Blaze, step by step". Blaze the Cat is a female despite her non-female name. She was introduced with the Nintendo DS game “Sonic Rush” and has since been a very popular character that belongs to the Sega team. Blaze is not just any cat, she is in fact a princess and she is also the defender of the “Sol Emeralds” which is a position that is similar to what Knuckles has. Blaze is a very pretty and feminine looking cat which is why she is sometimes referred to as queen, and even imperial Blaze. She has a soft pinkish purple color and has a hair style of three very thick pieces of hair tied together with a band which makes it look like a thick ponytail. She also has a red ruby like jewel in the middle of her forehead, and she also has yellowish colored eyes. I never played the game which is being talked about now, but my brother has and he is the one that is giving me some of the information on Blaze right now. The one thing that I can do solely on my own is teach you “how to draw Blaze the Cat” from Sonic step by step. I hope you guys have a good time with this tutorial I had fun drawing her out. It is always awesome drawing new Sonic characters because they are all so colorful and interesting. I will be back as you know, and as you wait for my return surf the site a bit more and find something else to draw. Peace out and happy drawing.

#draw characters from sonic #draw sonic characters #draw sonic the hedgehog characters #how to draw characters from sonic #how to draw sonic characters
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