How to Draw Jack

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Draw a large circle, add some facial guidelines, and then draw a rectangular square box for the body.


Now you will draw out the outlined shape of Jack's body. Start at the top in the middle of the ears, and then draw out the long narrow ear shapes. When that is done draw out the shape of the face, and then the rest of the body including the feet.


Draw a face mask for Jack's face and be sure to add the two rabbit teeth outlines. When that is done draw the bony arms, and then draw the bottom parts of the arm bones too.


Lastly, draw in the two circles, the nose, and then add the signature heart. And finally, draw out the toes too. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up this hare and prepare it for some dark coloring.


When you are all done this is how Jack looks. Now all you need to do is color him in black, with a red heart. Thanks for stopping in on this tutorial guys, I hope you had fun.

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October 27, 2010

Description: Jack the Rabbit is one cute and funny Skelanimal character. Not only is he a hopping ball of fun, he is what you call one speedy little fella that has a lot of spunk, and speed. Unlike some of his other Skelanimal friends, Jack doesn’t have too much of a story. The only thing I can say about him is he’s fast, he likes to show off his speed even to turtles, and he just loves being a rabbit. What about his Skelanimal story? How did Jack the rabbit become a dead hare anyway? Well, according to the place where he was developed, “Jack was nimble, Jack was quick. He was so fast, it made you sick. Showing off his speed, he challenged a turtle. The race then started, he shot like a missile. As he ran so far, he turned around to see, where he left the turtle, and then hit a tree”. Yup, that sounds just like Jack doesn’t it? Well I guess that’s it for this description. All I can do for you now is show you "how to draw Jack", step by step. When you are done with this tutorial you will have yet another Skelanimal to add to your drawing collection. Have fun people, and stick around because there is still one more lesson on the way. Peace peeps!

#how to draw skelanimals

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