How to Draw Timmy

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Draw two shapes, one for the head, and the other for the back end. Add a vertical line for Timmy's face.


Now draw out the outline of Timmy's body like so, and don't forget all the eight legs, and fangs.


Draw in a inner lined shape for the skeletal form of Timmy's head, and don't forget the two bumps, and a swirly line for the web.


Draw two eyes, a nose shape, and a heart. Erase all the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up the drawing.


This is how Timmy looks when you are all done. Now you can color him in using just black and red crayons, markers, colored pencils, or even paint.

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October 29, 2010

Description: Timmy the spider is a freaky little spider indeed. As you know almost all artists no matter what their specialty may be, are considered to be weird. That is the case with Timmy because out of all the Skelanimals, he is the most creative, which means he is strange. Anyways, like all other Skelanimals, he too has a favorite movie and that movie is “The Hall of Mirrors”. He is very afraid of his reflection, which means he runs off in a scare. But even though we know all this information about shy little Timmy, how can something so weary of coming out in public, be so careless to cause himself death. Well, this is how; “Timmy was timid and shy as can be, he would run and hide behind a cup of tea. He needed to gain the courage to scare, anyone that would simply dare, to come his way, out of the light, then he'd pounce, and creep, and fright. A girl just passed whom he meant to frighten, so he moved, as his nervousness heightened. On his way toward her, a mirror he glanced, a shocked reflection of him in a stance. Paralyzed was he, from his own sight, he couldn't budge despite all of his might. He stood frozen on the bedroom floor, until vacuumed up with dust and more”. I guess that pretty much sums up how he said farewell to this world, but now you can draw one of the only cutest spiders of all when you draw Timmy. Adios people, and have a happy Halloween.

#how to draw skelanimals
1 - Super Cool
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