Next, sketch out the shoulders and then draw the straps that stretch across the torso. Add more defined shapes which makes up the whole look for his thieving outfit.
Add detailing to the left sleeve like so, then draw in some vertical lines that detail the plate on his chest.
You will now sketch out the brows, shapes of his eyes, and then draw in the mask that covers the whole face from the nose down. Add crease and fold lines on the face covering like so, then add some scarring and forehead creases or wrinkles. Erase you
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August 18, 2013
Description: This next video game character is from a series that I can remember seeing on computer game covers since I was a kid. The game is Thief and I can tell you that it has been around since 1998. The main character from the Thief series is who you will be getting a lesson on today and I want to thank the person who requested this figure for me to draw and turn into a lesson. Up next we will learn "how to draw Garrett", step by step from the Thief series. Garrett has been named by numerous magazines and other gaming related publications as one of the best video game characters of all time. He is what you call an antihero and has a deep background that started when he was a kid. I can tell you that I have always found this character very cool looking. Whenever I seen his face on magazine covers in the gaming store I always knew that it was the guy from Thief. I can't say that I have tried the game before, but I know it must be good if they are still making newer versions of the series. Enjoy drawing Garrett from Thief folks and keep those requests rolling in.