Drawing dragon wings is a very important part of drawing a dragon. In order to get a successful dragon drawing, the wings must be drawn right as well. Start with three small circles for the palm part of the dragon's armed wing. From that shape you ca
What you will do here is thicken the shapes for the wings fingers and be sure that you make the wing lines look bony. Draw a thumb on each wing and then sketch out the detailing shape for the arm.
You will now start sketching out the lining for the wings tissue or skin. Once that is done you can start sketching in the detailing lines that add definition to the dragon wings like you see here. You will also draw the shape of the arm, and then th
For your last drawing step you will sketch in the details on the wings which will define them even more. There is a skin membrane that attaches the shoulder to the forearm as you can see, and that also needs to be sketched in as well. Erase all the g
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March 2, 2017
Description: You asked for it, so you got it. I am of course talking about a tutorial that shows you "how to draw dragon wings, step by step”. I know I have a few lessons that teach you to draw wings, but none have specific names which means those tutorials may be difficult to find. The dragon is a beast that comes in many different shapes, sizes, colors, species, and nobility. Drawing dragons can be easy if you are learning from the right how to tutorial, and of course if you want something more challenging, you can find a submission that teaches you a more complex type of dragon. One of my favorite dragon sketches that I ever submitted was on the dragon slayer. I have been drawing dragons for so long now, that it has become almost like a second lifestyle for me. Although I do have to admit I don't draw as many dragons as I once used to. I think that's because I have been trying to improve my drawing skills in other areas like drawing anime and manga, drawing characters and animals, and so on and so forth. Anyway this tutorial should come in handy because it will teach you how to draw a dragon wing with ease. I could have drawn wings that were a bit more complex, but then that would have been defeating the purpose to teaching novice artist to draw dragon wings easily. The wings and arms may look a bit pewny and or skinny, but they where drawn purposely like that so you can replicate them without struggle or fuss. If you want to draw your dragons wings to look a bit more beefy, all you have to do is widen the arms. Anyways, I will shut up now so you can start this tutorial on “how to draw dragon wings, step by step”. I will be back later with some more fun stuff to do. Peace out, and happy drawing kiddies!