How To Draw Dora The Explorer

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In this first step to will draw out the frame of Dora. First draw a circle with facial guidelines drawn in. Now draw out the shape of Dora's body and skirt which are basically rounded shapes. Now draw out the guidelines that are attached to her shape   


Now in this step what you will want to first do is draw out her hair style that seems to be loud and wide. Now draw her almond shaped eyes and little smile. Start shaping out her body starting with her shirt. Now move down and draw out the lining for   


What you will do here is draw out her collar on her shirt. Now draw out the shape of her arms as well which are cute and pudgy. Continue on to draw out the thick looking legs and her straps on her shoes. Before leaving this step you will need to draw   


Now what you will do is draw out the inner circle of her eyes and shade in her pupils. Draw two lines on each sock and a line on her shirt. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in the first step.


This is what your Dora should look like when you are done drawing it. Now all you need to do is color her in. That will conclude this tutorial on how to draw Dora the Explorer.

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May 29, 2008

Description: This next tutorial you will be learning how to draw Dora the Explorer. I know that everyone knows this popular Latina preschooler aged girl that takes up residents inside of a computer. This is a fun loving adventurous little girl stays determined with a positive mental attitude. Her positive personality helps Dora stay helpful and caring. She starts every show with her friend and partner that swings on trees, Boots. Boots is also a young monkey that aids Dora on her adventures. You will very rarely see her start any adventure without her best friend in the world. Occupying Dora and Boots are her trusted Backpack, where she keeps all of her tools and gadgets needed for her individual travels, Map is another piece of Dora’s must have accessory, because with out him she would be lost. She often uses Map to see the places they need to go, and check the places they have already been. Dora has a few extra hidden treasures in her Backpack that she also uses on a day to day basis and that is her stars. These stars perform multiple tasks on different types of journeys. Not only does this small girl go on adventurous journeys, she also teaches children how to read, spell, and speak a different language. She will often stop while she is walking and gives kids the word of the day which she will use through out the episode. Like she will say please in English and then say the same word with a Latin tongue. Her cute hair cut and her little stubby legs makes you fall in love this youngster over and over again. In this fun tutorial you will learn how to draw Dora the Explorer step by step. I hope you too will have fun on your adventurous journey down Dora’s lane.

#how to draw dora characters #how to draw dora and friends

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